How To Protect Yourself After a Work-Related Accident

The time following a work-related accident can be confusing for the victim.  In some cases, victims of work accidents are given clear instructions by their employer and medical team, but in some cases, this guidance is sorely lacking.  If you have been involved in a work-related accident, it is important to take the right steps to protect yourself and ensure that your injuries are completely covered, including your medical bills, your lost wages, and other expenses.

How Can I Protect Myself After A Workplace Accident?

As soon as a workplace injury occurs, it is important to take the right steps to ensure that your expenses are covered by your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance.  If you fail to take these steps, some or all of your medical bills and other costs may not be covered.

  • Take steps to prevent accidents. One thing that you must be sure of is that you are observing all safety protocols related to your job–both those mandated by your employer and those that are industry standard.  For example, if you suffer a back injury, one of the first things that the insurance company will question is whether you were using the proper back brace protection as well as observing weight limits.  If it is discovered that you ignored safety regulations, you could have trouble collecting compensation.
  • Seek medical attention immediately after an accident. One of the biggest mistakes that workers make is not seeking medical attention immediately after a workplace accident.  If you try to put on a brave face and work through the pain, it could end up costing you a significant amount of money.  Insurers will often try to show that a worker was not really injured by bringing up the fact that he or she did not promptly seek medical attention.
  • Report your accident. An accident that is not reported to a supervisor in a timely manner can cause problems for the victim later.  Your company has a policy on how long you have to formally report an injury and what format to use for your report, but even an informal text or email is better than nothing.  Be sure to ask about your company’s policy regarding reporting of workplace accidents or look on the company’s website prior to making your formal report.
  • Hire an accident attorney. It is a sad fact, but victims represented by an accident attorney are far more likely to recover compensation than those who are not.  A good workers’ compensation attorney can mean the difference between a fair settlement and one that is far too low to pay your bills.

At Barber & Associates, we have been helping victims of workplace injury recover compensation for their expenses for many years. We understand how to operate within the framework of worker’s compensation law and ensure that your needs are met completely, including coverage of your medical expenses, payment of your wages, and sums for other costs.  Give us a call today to learn how we can help you recover compensation for your workplace accident injury and protect yourself and your family from loss.  We are ready to help you get the money you deserve!

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