Find Out What To Do If You’re In A Slip-And-Fall Accident
A Target store in Pennsylvania has been ordered by a jury to pay $2.1 million to a woman
A Target store in Pennsylvania has been ordered by a jury to pay $2.1 million to a woman
A woman who experienced a devastating ankle injury after a flatbed truck crashed into her minivan has agreed
A man who had been sober for 28 years decided to start drinking again, and it didn’t end
An elderly husband and wife who sustained a host of injuries after being injured by a distracted driver
A man who did not tell his employer about a previous conviction for driving under the influence (DUI)
We’ve talked before about drunk driving being a scourge on our society. Backing us up on that claim
A woman who was hit by the lost driver of a tractor-trailer truck has settled her case for
In late February, a school bus driver was arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) after
A garbage collector who was injured on the job after being pinned against his own garbage truck has
If you think teens are the worst drivers on the road, you’re in for a surprise. A new
A woman who survived a fiery crash with a tractor trailer that killed five of her Georgia Southern
A young woman who had just earned her college master’s degree suffered a host of injuries after her
With tax season upon us, we’d like to take this opportunity to share with you just how a
A taxi driver whose decision to drive drunk resulted in the death of four people, and him being
A woman who experienced injuries after falling in a Lowe’s home improvement store has been awarded $13 million
Two separate jury awards in Seattle –reached within days of one another – have resulted in multi-million dollar
In what may be one of the largest settlements of its kind, home furniture giant Ikea has agreed
Significant verdicts in cases involving large truck accidents are on the rise. That’s according to an article from