Jury Awards Couple $20 Million for Tractor-Trailer Wreck
A couple has been awarded $20 million by a jury after the man was left with permanent brain
A couple has been awarded $20 million by a jury after the man was left with permanent brain
In an effort to fight the serious problem that is drunk driving throughout our nation, the U.S. Supreme
A study from the University of California – San Diego has revealed that longer and more intensive rehabilitation
A 28-year-old man who was behind the wheel of a van with nine passengers is facing multiple felony
Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show there was an overall four (4) percent increase in
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, 1.7 million people in the U.S. experience a traumatic
Last May, Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services actually took over operations of a nursing home in
Because of drinking and driving, an Anchorage woman is facing serious charges after colliding with another driver. The
Alaska’s prison system is facing two additional wrongful death lawsuits from families whose loved ones lost their lives
Drunk drivers aren’t the only ones who can be held responsible for injuries they cause. Thanks to dram
An Anchorage man has been charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol after he struck
Three people were injured – one critically – when a car they were riding in overturned near Denali
An Alaska ferry workers has been awarded $16 million in damages for injuries sustained from operating a defective
The family of a man who died in a jail cell has been awarded $900,000 in a wrongful
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, you need to pay attention to a recent federal jury’s decision –
If you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, you can probably seek compensation from a third party
Whether you’re recovering from an automobile accident caused by another driver or a slip-and-fall due to a wet
According to data released by Alaska’s Division of Risk Management, Alaska has shelled out almost $3 million to