4 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health After a Car Accident

4 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Physical recovery isn’t the only thing you’ll have to focus on after a serious car accident. Once the dust has settled, the bruises are fading, the car’s fixed, and the abrasions have healed…the mental and emotional impact of the accident may linger.

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6 Things to Keep in Your Car In Case of an Accident

6 Things to Keep in Your Car In Case of an Accident

Driving in Alaska can be quite challenging. From winding roads, to unpredictable weather, to irresponsible drivers, the possibility of getting into an accident is always present. No one leaves the house expecting to get into a car accident, which is why it’s common to be unprepared. As a law firm that handles auto accidents and … Read more

Hit and Runs: What Victims Need to Know

What Victims Need to Know

Almost all of us know the shocking, sometimes gut-wrenching feeling of being in a car accident. If it’s your own fault, you might be straddled with guilt. But when another car hits you, it can be anything from a minor inconvenience to a life-changing disaster.

As if getting into an accident wasn’t bad enough, sometimes the driver that hit you will flee the scene, never to be seen again. How can you possibly get justice if the person who caused the accident has left without facing the consequences?

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5 Things to Keep in Your Car In Case of an Accident

5 Things to Keep in Your Car In Case of an Accident

Driving in Alaska can be quite challenging

And unfortunately, accidents happen. No one expects to get into a car accident, which is why it’s common to be unprepared. As a law firm that handles auto accidents and personal injuries, we have a lot of experience helping those who have been in this situation. Here are some of our top recommendations of what to have on hand in case of a car accident.

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DUI Accidents: Know Your Rights!

Know Your Rights!

While it may be called a “DUI accident,” it’s no accident when a driver consciously chooses to get behind the wheel after drinking. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 1.5 million people are arrested each year for driving under the influence. These millions of drivers knowingly operate a vehicle while under the … Read more

Car Accident Claim: Types of Damages You Can Recover

Types of Damages You Can Recover

Accidents can occur in split seconds and completely change the lives of the people involved. While some are lucky to get away with only property damage, others aren’t that lucky. Getting hurt or sustaining severe injuries and property damage means you can make a car accident claim.

It is best to consult a personal injury attorney in Alaska to help you with a personal injury claim since recovering from an auto accident can be time consuming and painful. Having an experienced lawyer by your side ensures that you don’t have to deal with all the paperwork and effort made to file for the case.

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What You Should Say and Should Not Say Right After Your Car Accident

What You Should Say and Should Not Say Right After Your Car Accident

No matter how many precautions you take while behind the wheel, being involved in a car accident can still leave you reeling. The shock of the moment and the ensuing rush to make sure everyone is ok can leave you in a haze of confusion.

If you’re physically able, being able to talk with the other driver(s) is essential – especially later on when your mind is clear if you seek to take legal action to recover costs for medical bills, property damage, and pain and suffering.

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Don’t Make These Costly Mistakes After an Accident

What You Should Say and Should Not Say Right After Your Car Accident

If someone else has injured you, the ability to maintain your composure and think rationally in the immediate aftermath is essential to maintaining your legal options. The things you say and the actions you take after the accident can impact your life for years to come.

In this article, we’ll share some of the most common mistakes people make after an accident that wasn’t their fault – either at the accident scene or later on – that usually costs them dearly.

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Discover These Tips for Staying Safe on Alaska Roads this Winter

Discover These Tips for Staying Safe

The remote areas of Alaska coupled with the state’s often treacherous weather conditions means that traveling on roads in the Frontier State can be far more dangerous than other locations.

In this issue, the Alaska personal injury lawyers with Barber & Associates will give you a few tips for staying safe on the road. This information is valuable to all drivers in our state – from the native Alaskan to the new arrivals.

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Your Insurance Provider Probably Knows if You Use Your Phone While Driving

Your Insurance Provider Probably

An intriguing survey from Volvo says the majority of U.S. drivers see distracted driving as the chief threat to road safety. According to survey participants, distracted driving even tops fears of speeding and driving under the influence.

Interestingly, members of the Gen X population – those born from the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s – and Millennials – born between the early 1980s to the mid-late 1990s – are the ones who are most likely to use their phones while driving.

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