Who Pays In A Multi-Vehicle Accident?

When multiple vehicles are involved in an accident, it may be difficult to determine who is to pay the costs associated with injuries and damages.  In fact, there may be multiple people, insurance companies, employers, and even government agencies involved in the litigation that follows a multiple vehicle crash.  It is important to remember some basic facts to determine who is ultimately responsible for paying for damages in such a case.

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Alaksa Car Accident Facts

In recent years, according to the Alaska Highway Safety Office, there has been an increase in the number of car accidents involving injury and fatality in the State of Alaska.  This increase may reflect an increase in the number of drivers, an increase in reckless or careless vehicle operation, or both.  Here are some facts about the number of car accidents in our state: 

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Can A Car Rental Company Be Responsible in a Personal Injury Accident?

When someone is injured in a vehicle accident, there is a fairly well-defined number of parties that may bear responsibility for the injuries involved.  Obviously, the at-fault driver of the car may be held liable, as well as anyone else who contributed to the accident:  a bartender who overserved a drunk driver; a mechanic who failed to maintain the car in working order; or a maintenance worker who did not repair a stop light that failed at the time of the crash. 

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How Does My Driving Record Affect My Car Accident Claim?

How Does My Driving Record Affect My Car Accident Claim?

If you have been injured in a vehicle accident, it is likely that you are focused solely on the damage caused by that particular crash.  You are probably not thinking about that speeding ticket you had three years ago or how someone filed a claim against you for hitting their bumper in a parking lot.  … Read more

How To Protect Yourself After a Vehicle Accident

How To Protect Yourself After a Vehicle Accident

After a vehicle collision, it is important for victims of any type of injury to protect their rights.  This is not as simple as it sounds.  In many cases, insurance companies will want to rush victims to settlement, hoping they will not realize how much their cases are actually worth.  In this rush to settle, many victims, who do not realize they have other options, accept far less than the true value of their cases.  It is critical for anyone who is injured in an accident to be sure to have complete information before trying to settle a vehicle crash case.

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What To Do After an Auto Accident

What To Do After an Auto Accident

If you are involved in an auto accident, there are certain steps you should take to ensure that your rights are protected.  Do you know the proper steps and who to call on if you need help?  If not, this list may help. Remember, you are the only person at the scene of an auto accident who is concerned with preserving your rights!

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5 Tips to Avoid Car Accidents

5 Tips to Avoid Car Accidents

We call them car accidents because they’re just that: accidents. Millions of people are on the roads each day, and many of them don’t drive responsibly. With so many risk factors out there when you hit the road, car accidents can feel unavoidable. While some are completely out of your control, there are ways to prevent yourself from causing them.

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