A car accident often causes both minor and serious injuries. Many people complain of aches and pains after an accident, and fortunately, most of these go away fairly quickly. However, back pain is one of the most common long-term injuries people suffer following a car crash, and many of these injuries do not simply resolve themselves.
car accident attorney .alaska
6 Things to Keep in Your Car In Case of an Accident
Driving in Alaska can be quite challenging. From winding roads, to unpredictable weather, to irresponsible drivers, the possibility of getting into an accident is always present. No one leaves the house expecting to get into a car accident, which is why it’s common to be unprepared. As a law firm that handles auto accidents and … Read more
Learn These 3 Tips for Avoiding Seatbelt Injuries
Wearing your seat belt is essential for your protection on the road. It’s also mandated by Alaska state law. While buckling up is indeed the most important step when you get behind the wheel, it’s equally important to make sure you’re doing it the right way. Not doing so can easily result in serious bodily … Read more