Sports-Related TBIs: Can You Recover Damages?

One question often asked about traumatic brain injuries is whether a victim can recover damages if he or she willingly participated in the activity that resulted in the TBI.  This is especially important in sports-related TBI cases, when a player may suffer a concussion or worse during rough play.

A recent article notes that the widow of a former University of Southern California player is currently involved in suing the NCAA for failure to protect Matthew Gee from repeated head trauma.  Alana Gee claims that the NCAA’s negligence led to Gee’s death in 2018 from brain damage.

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The Connection between TBI and Mental Health

Concussions are one of the most common types of traumatic brain injury or TBI, and children and teens are at particular risk. Because children and teens are likely to be involved in high-risk activities such as sports, riding ATVs or being involved in car crashes, it is important to understand the totality of the impact of a concussion on young, developing brains.

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TBIs Explained

TBIs Explained

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is one of the most common causes of serious, long-term disability and death from all types of accidents.  TBIs are common after a vehicle crash or a fall, especially from a significant height such as a ladder.  TBIs contribute to millions of dollars annually in medical visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, and long-term loss of physical and mental ability.

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