The Connection Between Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injuries

Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injuries

Many people, including many doctors, view traumatic head injuries as separate events from spinal cord injuries.  This can often lead to misdiagnosis of SCIs when a traumatic brain injury is also present.  According to a study from Brazil,  spinal cord injuries involving the cervical, or neck, portion of the spine are most likely to be misdiagnosed when head trauma is also present.

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Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries and Outcomes

Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries and Outcomes

Some of the most debilitating and devastating injuries occur when a victim suffers brain or spinal cord trauma.  These types of injuries are often marked by permanent physical disability, loss of use of parts of the body, changes in intellectual or emotional makeup, and inability to work or live independently.  Because these types of injuries are so devastating and life-impacting, it is very important for victims to have the help of a professional who can guide them through the settlement negotiation process after an accident.

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TBIs Explained

TBIs Explained

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is one of the most common causes of serious, long-term disability and death from all types of accidents.  TBIs are common after a vehicle crash or a fall, especially from a significant height such as a ladder.  TBIs contribute to millions of dollars annually in medical visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, and long-term loss of physical and mental ability.

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New TBI Treatments Hold Out Hope

New TBI Treatments Hold Out Hope

According to an article from the Association of American Medical Colleges, there are several new treatments on the horizon for traumatic brain injuries or TBIs.  These treatments hold out hope for the present and future victims of TBIs that recovery may be possible in cases that previously would have resulted in a lifetime of disability.

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How Much Does A Brain Injury Cost?

How Much Does A Brain Injury Cost?

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs are some of the most costly personal injuries.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are more than 2 million brain injuries per year, with about 100,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries so serious they require hospitalization.  The total lifetime cost to society of TBIs is around $76 billion.  This includes medical costs, lost time at work, and other expenses paid, in some cases, by taxpayers, such as social services.  Clearly, TBIs are an expensive problem, but how can a personal injury attorney estimate the cost to an individual in order to negotiate a fair payment of a claim?

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Can A Helmet Save You In A Motorcycle Accident?

Can A Helmet Save You In A Motorcycle Accident?

The latest news about motorcycle accidents is encouraging: overall, motorcycle fatalities have been declining for the past few years. However, there is also bad news: motorcycle helmet use has declined during the same period, leading to a possible increase in preventable deaths.

Motorcycle helmets are estimated to prevent about 37 percent of fatalities in accidents, so about one in three motorcycle fatalities might have been prevented if the driver had worn a helmet. On the other hand, in two-thirds of all fatal motorcycle accidents, a helmet would not have prevented the death.

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The Truth About Brain Injuries

The Truth About Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are among the most catastrophic of personal injuries.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, brain injuries are responsible for more than 2.8 million emergency room visits per year, with over 56,000 of these injuries leading to death.  When a victim has sustained a brain injury, the lifelong outlook can be grim.  Assuming the victim survives the injury, he or she may be facing a lifetime of medical costs and reduced capabilities.

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Medical Study Means More Rehab for Brain Injury Victims

Medical Study Means More Rehab for Brain Injury Victims

A study from the University of California – San Diego has revealed that longer and more intensive rehabilitation sessions are essential to a patient’s recovery from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The news will most likely result in far-reaching effects – particularly to the insurance industry, which typically wants to cover rehab merely to the … Read more

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, 1.7 million people in the U.S. experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. Breaking the numbers down further, we find that of those 1.7 million: 52,000 die 1.3 million receive treatment in a hospital emergency room 275,000 are admitted to a hospital for treatment The … Read more

The Connection Between Slip-and-Fall Accidents And Traumatic Brain Injuries

Connection Between Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents can cause more than embarrassment – a lot more. According to the Brain Injury Institute, more than eight (8) million people are injured annually from slip-and-fall accidents. In fact, such injuries are a leading cause of death among our senior population. In this article, we’ll talk about perhaps one of the most serious … Read more