Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy great activities with friends and family. Unfortunately, summer is all too often a time when people wind up being injured in a wide range of accidents, as well. In order to have fun over the summer but also stay safe, it is important to be aware of the most common types of injuries that occur during the warmer months. Here is a list of summer’s most common injuries and how to avoid them, stay safe, and have a great vacation!
- Heat-related injuries and illnesses. Heat itself causes numerous types of injuries and illnesses. In many cases, heat exhaustion is caused by spending too long in the sun without proper protective clothing and without drinking enough water. You should always take breaks to cool off when the temperature is above 80 degrees, and be sure to stay hydrated any time you are out of doors.
- Sunburn is another common type of summer injury that is thought of as minor but can actually be quite serious. Using the right protective level of sunscreen, and using it consistently, is one of the key things you and your family should do to avoid painful and potentially dangerous sunburns. Reapply as often as necessary to protect your skin, and consider wearing a hat or other protective clothing to shield your skin from the sun. Remember that it is possible to get a sunburn even on days when the sun does not seem to be shining directly overhead, as UV rays can be trapped by cloud cover.
- Drowning and diving accidents. One of the most common types of accidents causing serious trauma during the summer months is swimming or diving accidents. Always swim in well-marked, designated areas with other people around. Never dive unless you are certain it is safe, and be sure to avoid alcohol anytime you are engaged in water sports, whether swimming, diving, or boating.
- Playground accidents. Children love to play outdoors in the summer, and it is easy to see how playground accidents tend to climb during these months. It is important to inspect all playground equipment before letting children play and be sure to monitor them closely while they are using the equipment. Address any safety issues with the owner or manager of the playground immediately. In general, softer landing surfaces, such as mulch, are preferable to hard surfaces such as asphalt or concrete.
- Bicycle or skateboard injuries. Bicycles and skateboards are a leading cause of injury and account for a larger percentage of emergency room visits for children and teens. Always monitor children who are using bikes or skateboards and be sure they only ride in safe, designated areas. Be particularly alert for children who may be riding on public roads, and teach them the rules before allowing them to venture out. Additionally, be sure every rider has an approved and well-fitted safety helmet.
By following these simple rules, you can make your summer safer and more enjoyable for everyone!
If you or a loved one are injured in an accident, be sure to talk to the professionals at Barber & Associates immediately. We can help you recover the compensation you deserve to pay for medical bills and other expenses.