The Most Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents

Personal injury accidents happen every day, even to people who are normally very careful and cautious.  They happen unexpectedly and can have long-lasting effects on individuals and their families. Understanding the common types of personal injury accidents can help people be more aware of the risks and take precautions to prevent these types of accidents. … Read more

How Am I Paid After A Car Accident Settlement?

Collecting money after a car accident settlement can be a process nearly as complicated as suing for damages in the first place, particularly if you are faced with collecting your money from an insurance company.  Frustrating delays and insurmountable obstacles may stand between you and the money you need to pay your medical bills and other expenses.  How can you be sure you will receive your money quickly and easily?  The best way is to work with a personal injury attorney with experience in collecting car accident settlements.

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Summer Fun Can Lead To Injury

Summer Fun Can Lead To Injury

Summer is in full swing, and everyone is heading outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures. While it is great to have a fun day outdoors, you should also be aware that certain types of accidents are more likely during warm weather. It is a good idea to be prepared and take precautions to … Read more

How Do You Find the Right Personal Injury Attorney?

How Do You Find the Right Personal Injury Attorney?

If you have been injured in an accident, you are already dealing with medical bills, pain and suffering, and worry about how you will take care of your family.  On top of all that, you are faced with making a choice about the right attorney to represent you.  How do you choose the right personal … Read more

What Is Personal Injury?

What Is Personal Injury?

If you have been the victim of a personal injury accident, it is important to understand some basic legal terms that may apply to your case as well as how your case is likely to progress toward a conclusion. Of course, your attorney will handle the progress of your case, but many clients like to know what is happening “behind the scenes” to recover compensation for them.

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Learn All About the Discovery Phase of a Personal Injury Claim

Learn All About the Discovery Phase of a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured by someone else and decide to file a personal injury claim, one of the first processes you’ll likely go through is “the discovery phase.”

For your personal injury lawyer and the lawyer representing the person who caused the accident, the process of discovery is necessary to obtain facts and testimony that may be important to the case.

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5 Common Ways Insurance Adjusters Try to Cheat You Out of Justice

5 Common Ways Insurance

When someone else injures you, a representative of their insurance provider is almost guaranteed to be among the first to contact you. If you have any hope or plans to receive compensation to cover the costs of your injuries, you’ll be smart by not taking their call.

Their quick attempt to reach you is not to provide help.

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Find Out Why Wells Fargo Will Pay This Woman $4.5 Million

Why Wells Fargo Will Pay

The metal door-closing unit to a Wells Fargo office entranceway gave way and struck a customer in the head as she entered the building. Even though the business offered to settle the personal injury case for $125,000, she opted to proceed to trial, and received a $4.5 million judgement.

In this issue, we’ll talk more about this particular case, and talk about why it makes sense to leverage the skills and expertise of an Alaska personal injury lawyer if you’re injured because of someone else’s negligence.

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