When multiple vehicles are involved in an accident, it may be difficult to determine who is to pay the costs associated with injuries and damages. In fact, there may be multiple people, insurance companies, employers, and even government agencies involved in the litigation that follows a multiple vehicle crash. It is important to remember some basic facts to determine who is ultimately responsible for paying for damages in such a case.
car accidents attorney
Who Is To Blame In A Multi-Car Accident?
When you’re involved in a two-car accident, it’s usually easy for law enforcement officers and insurance adjustors to determine who is at fault. However, how is fault determined when more than two vehicles are involved?
Thankfully, there is a method for sorting through what could be a complicated process.
Why You Should See A Doctor After A Car Accident – Regardless of How You Feel
Practically every minute of every day, someone in the U.S. is in an auto accident. That’s according to stats from the National Highway Traffic Association.
If you’re involved in an accident, one of the first things you should do is be seen by your doctor. Many car accident victims make the mistake of not seeing their doctor because they generally feel OK.
Find Out The Types of Compensation You’re Owed After a Car Accident
According to some experts, you can expect to be involved in a car accident once every 17 years. Of course, accidents can run the gamut from minor fender benders to those resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. If you or someone you love is injured in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence, you … Read more
Simple Tips For Staying Safe On The Road This Holiday Season
The holiday season is officially upon us and, according to reports, this time of year is traditionally among the deadliest. Data from the U.S. Department of Transportation tells us that over the last five years, an average of 300 people lose their lives in accidents during the holiday season. The reasons are numerous, and include … Read more
What’s The Worst That Can Happen With A Simple Text?
Here is just a sampling of tragic news accounts of a growing, disturbing and deadly serious trend in our society: texting while driving.
Why Are More Pedestrians Becoming Victims?
In the age of safer vehicles that has us moving closer and closer to semi-automatic vehicles, it would be easy to assume that traffic deaths would decrease. A new report, however, reveals a trend in the opposite direction – particularly when it concerns pedestrians. The stunning report confirms that the number of pedestrians killed in … Read more
How to Deal With – And Avoid – Road Rage Drivers
Road rage is a serious problem. How much of a problem? According to AAA, some form of aggressive driving action (tailgating, erratic lane changing, illegal passing, etc.) is a factor in up to 56% of fatal crashes.
In this issue, we’ll talk about how you can avoid being victimized by an aggressive driver.